RRN Rogue's Gallery
2002 Brawl of the Wild!
The RRN upholds a Montana Tradition...
Last year was the first time the Royal Runnamok Navy was introduced to the proud heritage of the Griz - Cat football game. Not only were they embraced as brothers by the Web Wench's bretheren, the Navy had a brief glimpse into one of the longest traditions that flows through every Montanan's veins come football season. Montanan's never really need an excuse to lift their ale, but the annual Griz/Cat confrontation brings out brotherhood, brawls and beer. All the things that make being a Montanan a unique and proud heritage. (Hence the Tee-shirt!)
This year the RRN again converged on Duke's Sportsbar in Scottsdale, AZ on November 23 to cheer the Grizzlies and commune with their adoptive Montanan's.
Cats end hellish 16 years
On the day hell froze over, the Cats finally beat the Griz.
That's "hell" as in Hellgate canyon, where arctic winds spit snow all over Washington-Grizzly Stadium Saturday afternoon, and the Montana State Bobcats ended a hellish 16 years of football frustration by defeating the Montana Grizzlies 10-7.
Everywhere, today, Griz fans are humbled, while Cat fans are exalted. Tomorrow, they'll be reminded, all over again, that toilets, telemarketers and tax collectors don't give a damn who wins the Brawl of the Wild.
Even when hell freezes over, some things never change.
~ Excerpt from Rial Cummings 11/24/2002 article in the Missoulian |