RRN Privacy Policy
AHOY Me Mateys!!!!!!!
We are always conscious and respectful of your personal privacy.
As a loyal and obedient customer of Royal Runnamok Navy, we recognize the importance of protecting your personal information. We will ensure that our relationship is as exclusive as you want it to be. We do not sell or provide customer's personal information to any scurvy dogs, no matter how much they torture us. They may hold hot brands to the soles of our feet, they may flog us, we may be keelhauled, but we will not tell the evil third party pirates your most private intimate details.
This Privacy Policy will answer your questions about the kind of information we collect and how we use it, so pay close attention!
If you have any further questions or comments, contact us at: contact@royalrunnamoknavy.com
What information do you gather and how do you use it?
A: We collect information about you from correspondence you submit, telephone contacts, and orders on file. When you send us an email, we will retain the content of the e-mail, your e-mail address, and our response in order to handle any follow-up questions you may have. We also use this information to measure how effectively we address your concerns and customer surveys and feedback.
We may ask you for the following information:
- Name and address
- E-mail address
- Billing address
- Credit card information
- Shipping address
- Phone/fax number
We may ask you to voluntarily provide us with information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experience with our products, and contact preferences. This information may be combined with information about you, which we gathered from other offline sources. We use the information to design offers customized to your interests. For example, you may receive a special offer to purchase new products, or receive updated Royal Runnamok Navy News items.
With whom do you share my personal information?
A: We do not sell your name or other private profile information to third parties, and do not intend to do so in the future, even if some landlubber offers us a chest of gold bullion and jewels.
We may share anonymous, aggregated information about all our users with third parties.
Communications with Royalrunnamoknavy.com
The Royal Runnamok Navy may periodically conduct individual voluntary customer surveys. We encourage our customers to participate in these surveys because they provide us with important information that helps us to improve the types of services we offer, and how we provide them to you. Besides, your communications to us can be very amusing and we need a good laugh at the end of the day. Also send pictures, we may even post them on the web site or keep them for own amusement.
How is Personal Information Used?
A: The Royal Runnamok Navy may use and share personal information in different ways, such as:
- To provide information as is necessary to fulfill the fundamental purpose of our products and services;
- To identify users of Royal Runnamok Navy products and services that may be interested in offers of goods and services that are suited to their needs and interests; besides, Spam is quite tasty when fried with a light egg wash;
- In response to a lawful request issued by a court, government agency, or regulatory authority with jurisdiction to make the request or to otherwise comply with legal requirements;
How is My Information Protected?
A: We use the latest technologies to secure your transactions. We will use Secure Sockets Layer encryption to protect financial transactions. If only our virginities were so well protected!!!! Then we'll unleash a broadside on their ass. If that doesn't work, then we call the Sopranos.
What if I Have a Question or Problem?
A: The Royal Runnamok Navy is committed to preserving the privacy of our customers. We have described the manner in which we collect and use personal information. We have provided you with a choice regarding our use of personal information. In the event you have concerns or questions regarding our use of personal information, or this policy, or if you have any problems arising out of performance pursuant to this policy, it should be directed to contact@royalrunnamoknavy.com
How to Update or Delete Your Information
A: If you want to request that we update or delete your personal information in regard to Royal Runnamok Navy products, send your request to contact@royalrunnamoknavy.com. Tell us you want to go into the Bermuda Triangle and be lost forever, hopelessly adrift on the high seas with no chance to join a flotilla of First Rate Ship of the Line. To update your information, just hoist your colors and let us know the new orders.
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, you can contact:
Portions of our web site may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our uses to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. When traveling the seven seas, one most always be careful of fast approaching corvettes of frigates that do not fly their colors until they are upon you. Then they open fire with their 10 pounders and try to board your ship. So be vigilant!
By using this site, you signify your assent to the Royal Runnamok Navy on-line privacy policy. The Royal Runnamok Navy reserves the right to make changes to the privacy statement at is sole discretion. Such changes, if any, will be posted at this location, so we recommend that you occasionally check back to this posted privacy statement for changes. Sometimes we do things for our own amusement, you know, just to mess with your minds and to give us something to do on those long voyages across the oceans.