Greetings from the Navy!
Welcome to the official site of the Royal Runnamok Navy!
Our site is dedicated to our own amusement and to chronicle the exploits of the finest group of men to lift a tankard of ale. Come aboard and revel in our frivolity that virtually spans the globe, partaking in parties and nightlife, spreading cheer and good will to all. Like all well prepared Navies, we too, are prepared for close action and support. Our skills are honed with periodic maneuvers at different venues both locally and internationally. Some of our arsenal can be found on this web site under "Pillaged Goods" for you to procure and use in your own campaigns.
In addition to our own self-gratification at gatherings, the RRN also supports charities and the community. Periodically, cash donations or volunteering for different events are contributed by our officers and able bodied crews. Whether relief efforts from the Salvation Army and Red Cross to community support like Habitat for Humanity, the Royal Runnamok Navy will be there.
Coming Soon! 2003 Sheets to the Wind Tour
The RRN is getting ready to conduct yet another forray into battle. Their 2003 Sheets to the Wind Tour - Unfurled in Cabo promised to be one of the best set of manuevers ever. The Band of Brothers are finishing up their you dare find out the details?!
New! Captain Hood's Swashbucklin' Ship's Log
The Captain has decided to share a bit o' Pirate life with thee!
...As I sit in my quarters, surrounded by columns and rows of books that relate to little or no importance, I realize that one day I must begin writing my memoirs. I should begin with that task now, but I think I'll have a bit-o-rum before I start. Hmmm…nothing like a good nip-o-uncut rum to warm the innards and bring back the memories...
--> Click here for the rest of the story!