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Official Royal Runnamok Navy Inn Keepers

Lomalagi Resort

The Royal Runnamok Navy would like to recognize the Lomalagi Resort in Fiji for it's wonderful hospitality and service. Pirating and pillaging takes a toll and it's good to find a home away from home in one's travels. Lord Admiral Blackwood would also like to recognize Terry as the Official RRN Whinger. We'd explain it, but then we'd have to make ye walk the plank.

This be a brief description of the Lomalagi Resort:

LOMALAGI (Lo-muh-LONG-gee) means Heaven in the Fijian language and when you're in Heaven you get to make your own rules!

Lomalagi Villa

Lomalagi Resort FijiThe Magic Garden for weddings, meditation....or a good book. Our 100,000 gallon sea water pool, surrounded by waterfalls.

A play house with regulation pool table. Video and book libraries. Aye! Wish You Were Here!

Our lovely dining pavilion overlooking the pool and the sea. European or American Plan. A la carte or on your own. At Lomalagi, we believe choices are important.

That's why we say that when you're in Heaven, you get to make your own rules!

Lomalagi Resort Fiji

The official Lomalagi Resort Website is

For more information you can e-mail Terry and Collin at:

The Royal Runnamok Navy agrees, when in Fiji, stay at the Lomalagi Resort!

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