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Royal Runnamok Navy Crew

Captain Samuel Hood

Flagship: The HMS Zealous


CAPTAIN HOODFleet Historian
Fleet Quartermaster
Fleet Purser

Ahoy mate and welcome to the deck of the HMS Zealous. So you want to learn a bit-o-information about the RRN and ol’ Captain Hood. Well friend, read on.

I’ve been five years to the mast with the Royal Runnamok Navy, the finest navy in the world. We’ve conquered many a seaport, the RRN has, from the coastal regions of Mexico to the inner waterways of the New World. In the year 1997, I was pressed to service with the RRN and given the rank of Master Bates. Although this moniker conjures ideas that do not explain the true meaning of the name, the Seaman’s 1st Class Rank of Master Bates is much respected in the RRN and brings with it many, many responsibilities.

During my first Tour of Battle, commonly known as the “Tequilla, Tecate & Tuna Tour” I was assigned the arduous task of keeping the great Commodore Bligh, God Rest His Soul and Senior Staff in mass quantities of rum and continuous merriment. With this responsibility in hand, I lead the surprise attack on counterpart headquarters in San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico, liberating much needed grog and medical supplies. With the success of this action, I was promoted to the Rank of Lieutenant and assigned the HMS Zealous.

In the line of duty, I have been flogged, robbed, drugged, imbibed mass quantities of strange grog and had many a terrible morning. But fear has never entered my heart for I am an officer of the RRN and a proud member of the famous “Band of Brothers”.

So there you have it. Enjoy your stay with us mate and remember, when the day comes that ye be looking for a grand time, give the ol’ “Pirates of Fun” a call. Arrrggghhh!

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