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Royal Runnamok Navy Crew

Lieutenant Thomas Cochrane

Frigate: Speedy


Lieutenant Thomas CochraneSpecialties include: Communications, Procurement Officer, and Grog master.

I am one fairly new recruit to this Band O'Brothers. Brought to induction early in the year 2000, I was given the name Cabin Boy, the first ever in this grand Navy, just a few weeks before the 2000 battle tour in Cabo San Lucas Mexico.

This Navy is not new to me however, I have known much of the Admiralty for many years but had never taken the opportunity (and I do mean opportunity) to pursue enlistment. With just a few weeks before the yearly battle tour was to begin on foreign shores, there was much to be learned before I could represent and battle side by side with my fellow Pirates of Fun. My formal induction was granted and battle well fought, so I was told. I was swiftly promoted to Master Bates, surpassing the rank of Seaman Stains. Quite a strange name you say, but aye you are wrong in the way you think. It is a proud name for one to have. Not to be confused with one word but it is two.

After returning from my first battle I took responsibility of taking up quarters with the famous RRN mascot known only as "The Parrot." For one year we trained together and when the Barmaids and Broadsides Tour 2001 was ready to set sail 12 months later, the two of us were ready. It would be "The Parrot's" first mission into battle. He did well, but upon his return to the States has become bead shy and seems to have taken up residency with the newly inducted Mr. Blivet as a watchful eye over all RRN meetings. He shall retain his credentials as Mascot and receive reservist status and remain stateside until further notice. I fought hard in Cabo during the Barmaids and Broadsides tour and noticed the joy on the faces of the enemy as we fired our ammo of beads, tattoos, glow jewelry, RRN wear, and more upon them. Just a few short months having returned from my second battle tour I was awarded a new rank and given my permanent name, one that shall follow me to the depths at the end of my life, "Lieutenant Cochrane". Along with this promotion came the title and duties of Communication and Procurement officer. I am working many hours a week in preparation for our 2002 tour and pondering the possibilities of a mass recruitment of new personnel for our upcoming battle.

Long live the RRN!

Lieutenant Cochrane

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