Royal Runnamok Navy Crew
Our Fallen Leader Admiral William Bligh
A.K.A. Bud Nixon
Born 11-25-48
Placed to Rest 11-6-98
The Admiral was born and raised in the vast, land locked region known only as Littleton, Colorado, in the United States of America.
William Bligh was an intelligent boy, always pressing to exceed his parent's academic expectations. Although William was a good, steady student, he loved to sneak off to go fishing at the nearest pond or strap on the snow skis and hit the best slopes. Other times, he and a friend would hop on a slow moving freight train and ride for miles, looking out to the horizon and dreaming of the day that he would set to sea and find his fortune.
The teen William Bligh was an inquisitive young man who wanted to know how things worked and how they went together. But most of all, he wanted to know how to construct buildings in the old world tradition. These were the building blocks of the future for young Bligh and, in the future, would come together to produce an exceptional builder.
After he graduated from high school, Mr. Bligh enrolled and was accepted to Colorado State at Alamosa, Colorado. His studies were built around a regimen of mathematics, english and science but he soon found his higher ground and overall love in history. History of the east, the west, of Europe and Asia. But most of all, he was intrigued by England and the glory years of the British Royal Navy. His favorite subject was the life and times of Admiral Nelson's Navy and particularly, the Band Of Brothers.
One must remember that Mr. Bligh was at best, a true "land lubber", having not spent a day at sea nor even having seen the oceans of the east or west. But this did not stop Mr. Bligh from pushing forward with his dream of going to sea. So, with the help of a couple close friends, he founded the now famous Royal Runnamok Navy.
Admiral Bligh commanded the Band Of Brothers for a decade and a half, sending his forces into battle where ever fame and fortune could be found. Annual Tours of Battle ranged from the Rocky Mountains to the treacherous Sea of Cortez. From the badlands of Lake Roosevelt to the pirate infested waters of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
Our leader established the Band Of Brothers as a way to spend time with his friends. He wanted to experience life with his "Pirates of Fun" and utilized the annual Tours of Battle to teach new and innovate naval tactics and sailing techniques. Always at the helm, the Admiral navigated the Runnamok Navy to new heights of community involvement and his dream of a world wide navy is now coming true.
So, to you, Admiral Bligh, we raise our tankards high. We vow to continue the great tradition that you established for our Royal Runnamok Navy and to pass along the rich tradition of pride in service to our country and community, the importance of honesty to ourselves and others and the courage to live our lives to the fullest of our potential.